TD-VG3631 VoIP SIP configuration manual
- Dear customers, we have created this instruction beacouse some of you would like to use your existing 300Mbps Wireless N VoIP ADSL2+ Modem Router with our network. Please follow the instrucion to configure your modem.
- Before configuration you need to have an active account with us.
- Make sure, that your modem is up and runnung:
- Type modem IP address in any internet browser from computer connected to the same router/network. Usually IP is
- Use admin/admin login and password by default.
- Select Voice > VoIP
- Click on Add to add a new account.
- Your login/password may be checked via MY ACCOUNT portal, SIP/IAX INFO page.
- Check your Device credentials:
- Example of Username/Password from SIP/IAX page under MY ACCOUNT.
Profile Name: Your Device Username (10023 from example above)
Display Name: Your Device Username (10023 from example above)
Authentication ID: Your Device Username (10023 from example above)
Registrar Address:
SIP Proxy:
Outbound Proxy:
Phone Number: Your Device Username (10023 from example above)
Authentication Realm: -blank-
Password: Your Device Password
Registrar Port: 5060
SIP Proxy Port: 5060
Outbound Proxy Port: 5060
Preferred Codec 1: G.711ALaw
Preferred Codec 2: G.711MuLaw
Preferred Codec 3: G.729a/b
Preferred Codec 4: G.726_32