Bria Softphone SIP Settings for VoIP Configuration
Bria softphone product suite from Counterpath is comprised of desktop and mobile applications which enable consumers or business users to make VoIP (Voice over IP) audio and video calls, send Instant Messages and manage their presence, all in an easy-to-use software application.
You can download Bria: Bria Android Edition on Google Play, Bria Android Tablet Edition Google Play, Bria iPad Edition iTunes, Bria iPhone Edition iTunes
To add Australian Phone configuration service click on SETTINGS, and click on plus button to add new accountt
Select "Australian Phone" from providers list
Enter the following for SIP account details:
- Enter next data:
- Check your Device credentials inside MY ACCOUNT > Personal details > Devices:
- Check your Device credentials inside MY ACCOUNT > Personal details > Devices:
- Username: Device username (10023 in example) from MY ACCOUNT > Personal details > Devices
- Password: your password from MY ACCOUNT > Personal details > Devices
- Tap "Save"
Click on the phone sign on the left bottom to see a keyboard
- Click "Dial" and make a test call to 09002 free number to check your sound.